DGB for US Green Building (USGBC) Course (GBCI ID: 0920017461)*
US Green Building Council (USGBC) Forward Symposium:
The Way Forward. Greening Louisiana for a Shared, Sustainable Future.
*This course is approved for GBCI CE hours (1CE).
-Explore examples how LEED processes have reduced energy consumption in urban settlements.
-Discuss the complex relationship between sustainability, social equality, and wellbeing.
-Give examples of how sustainable communities contribute to social equality.
-Analyze roles in influencing public policy.
Cities take up around 2% of our planet´s surface area only but are responsible for about 70% of global greenhouse gas emissions, mainly for cooling & heating the built environment. During this presentation, Barraza will discuss how additional technical considerations, such as using computational fluid dynamics, solar heat gain zone analysis, and death-ray prevention can enhance existing LEED processes and reduce energy consumption in urban settlements. In addition, Barraza will engage and enable stakeholders to take action from their respective roles and capacities to green Louisiana, by sharing insight on specific steps that can be taken from the civil society, business, academic, and government sectors to design and implement strategies for a shared sustainable future. The presentation will be followed by a panel discussion: Women Influencers and the Building of a Sustainable Louisiana. During this panel discussion, we will hear from leaders in architectural/design, construction, business development and activism about their role in building a platform for sustainability. The panel will inspire attendees to embrace sustainable change within their home, community, and workplace by highlighting the route each panelist took to further develop their ideas and belief-system around environmental causes, restoration, and the development of healthy communities.
Created by USGBC Louisiana Chapter
Diana Guzman Barraza, International Energy & Sustainability Consultant, MSc Sustainable Energy Engineering & Urban GHG Inventory Specialists
Melissa Gibbs, Business Development & Small/Disadvantaged Contractor Outreach, Gibbs Construction
Donna M. Barry, Manager, Facilities Planning & Operations, Entergy Services, Inc.
Series This course is a part of the following series: FORWARD 2018