Live from Mexico to Phillippines
Check out the live transmission to the International Climate Change Conference in Philippines! Thank you to the board of Team 54 Global...
TV Interview with Milenio Noticias on the winning SDG solutions at Centro Fox
Guanajuato, Mexico As judge of the final rounds of the Sustainability Hackathon organized by Centro Fox and Campus Party, I am happy to...
UNLEASHing talent in Denmark
1000 change-makers from around the world convened for 10 days in Denmark to co-create solutions to forward the United Nations Sustainable...
Diana Guzmán Barraza: defendiendo y construyendo un presente renovable
Gracias Futuro Verde, NGO basada en Estados Unidos, por apoyar mi trabajo en cambio climático, energía y sostenibilidad. Aquí el artículo...
Sustainable Construction Trends
Thank you Pro Magazine for publishing my article on Sustainable Construction trends on your printed magazine. Featured in the article, a...
City Climate Planner Certificate Program
We have recently collaborated with the World Bank in the pilot program of the upcoming City Climate Certificate Program, and will soon be...
#Women4Climate Initiative
We will be participating in the world´s first #Women4Climate Initiative this 15th of March 2017 in New York City, hosted by Chair of the...
Climate Reality Leadership Corps with Al Gore
We are proud to announce that we have been selected to form part of the Climate Reality Leadership Corps of the Climate Reality Project,...
Meet us at Mayors Summit in Mexico City
This week Guzmán-Barraza will be at Mexico City at the interesting conferences at C40´s Mayors Summit. Contact us to meet up, and join...